HIST4702 (2023-24) Digital History Project: 火攻挈要
Reference List
Website Group
Cohen, D. J., & Rosenzweig, R. (2005). Digital History: A Guide to Gathering, Preserving, and Presenting the Past on the Web. University of Pennsylvania Press.
3D Modelling Group
Chung Yanhon, Michael. ” The Introduction of European-Style Artillery and the Reform of Siege Tactics in 17th Century China—a Case Study of the Tragedy of Jiangyin (1645).” Journal of Chinese Military History. Vol. 9 (2020), pp.1-37.
Yin Xiaodong.”Research on manufacturing technology of western copper gun in 17th century– Centered on “XiFaShenJI” and “HuoGongQieYao””[17世紀傳華西洋銅炮製造技術研究 ———以《西法神機》、《火攻挈要》為中心].The Chinese Journal four the History of Science and Technology. Vol.30. No.4 (2009), pp.377-395.
Gang L.“Chinese style furniture-Ming-Dynasty-Style” https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model/u332d312f-3b41-4d26-a9b1-8582d5b2330e/Chinese-style-furniture-MING-Dynasty-Style>
Tsang, X. “Guangong” https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model/bd757c49-d809-4648-b525-9a6dc6b1a578/guangong
Text Mining Group
Wang Chunyan王春艷,and Shan Yinghong單迎紅. “Jinshanling Changchengchutu Mingdai huoyao de chengfen he gongneng fenxi”金山嶺長城出土明代火藥的成分和功能分析. Zhongguo kexueshi zazhi中國科技史雜志 38.02(2017):198-202.
Wei Yuan魏源. Haiguo tuzhi海國圖志, vol. 7. (Taipei: Chengwen chubanshe,1967).
Xu Xinzhao徐新照. “Mingdai huoyao duochengfen peifang de yanjiu”明代火藥多成分配方的研究. Huozhayao xuebao火炸藥學報.02(2001):62-66.
Yu wei于偉,and Guan Zengjian關增建.”Xishudongjian: Huo gong qie yao zhishilaiyuan yanjiu”西術東漸:《火攻挈要》知識來源研究. Kexuejishu zhexueyanjiu科學技術哲學研究 39.05(2022):94-101.
Yin Xiaodong尹曉冬. “Huoqi lunzhu Binglu de Xifang zhishi laiyuan chutan”火器論著《兵錄》的西方知識來源初探. Zirankexueshi yanjiu自然科學史研究.02(2005):144-155.
Yin Xiaodong尹曉冬. “Mingmo Qingchu jiben huoqi zhuzuo de chubu bijiao”明末清初幾本火器著作的初步比較. Harbin gongye daxue xuebao(shehuikexueban)哈爾濱工業大學學報(社會科學版) .02(2005):9-18.
Video Group
Huang Yinong,黃一農,The Red Barbarians and the Ming and Qing Wars《紅夷大炮與明清戰爭》(Sichuan:Sichuan Renmin Chubanshe),2022,pp.3Johann Adam Schall von Bell,Huo Gong Qie Yao《火攻挈要》,1643
全面戰爭紀錄片:平倭援朝之平壤之戰 平壤血戰 Great Ming Empire
全面戰爭紀錄片:松錦之戰(大明與韃清在關外的戰略決戰)Great Ming Empire
全面戰爭紀錄片:南征安南(屬明時期)Great Ming Empire
《大明劫》Fall of Ming
明代火器初探 Great Ming Empire
《古兵器大揭秘》第五集 Ancient Weapons Revealed, Episode 5
《古兵器大揭秘 第二季》第九集 Ancient Weapons Revealed 2, Episode 9
汤若望紀錄片 Adam Schall von Bell In the Service of the Emperors
Adam Schall von Bell – In the Service of the Emperors
火繩槍在明朝傳入中國Fire-rope guns were introduced to China during the Ming Dynasty
中國明代火繩槍的種類Types of Fire Rope Guns in Ming Dynasty China
大明火器盛宴,從神槍到弗朗機紅衣大炮,從京師三大營到明末邊軍The Great Ming Firearms Feast, from the Sharpshooter to the Franciscan Redcoat Cannon, from the Three Great Battalions of the Capital to the Frontier Army of the Late Ming Dynasty
中國火器發展史History of Firearms Development in China
Mapping Group
António do Rosário 羅薩里奧, “The Dutch Attack of Macau in 1622”1622年荷蘭人襲擊澳門, Cultural Magazine 文化雜誌
75 (2010): 61.
Han Tan 韓菼, Record of defending Jiangyin City 江陰城守記,
Chinese Text Project 中國哲學書電子化計劃,
Huang Yinong黃一農, “Tianzhujiaotu sunjyuanhua yu mingmochuanhua de xiyanghuopao” 天主教徒孫元化與明末傳華的西洋火炮, Zhongyangyanjiuyuan lishiyuyan yanjiusuojikan 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊 67 (1996): 913-939. And Yiu Ka Wing 姚家榮,“Xipao de jingyong yu mingdai de guofang” 西砲的應用與明代的國防, Dissertations
From all years 考功集 7 (2004): 10-13.
Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica中央研究院歷史語言研究所, Ming Veritable Records 明實錄, 1966, Scripta Sinica 漢籍全文資料庫, 3369-3371.
Ji Liuqi 計六奇,Mingji beilüe 明季北略, Chinese Text Project 中國哲學書電子化計劃, https://ctext.org/wiki.pl?if=gb&chapter=756708
Lin Faxin 林發欽, “The analysis on why the Portuguese in Macau defeated the Dutch in 1622” 一六二二年澳門葡萄牙人擊退荷蘭人原因分析, New Asia Journal 新亞論叢6 (2004): 70-73.
Richard J Garrett, The Defences of Macau: Forts, Ships and Weapons over 450 Years (Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2010), pp. 11-12.
Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica中央研究院歷史語言研究所Veritable records of the Qing dynasty 清實錄,1986, Scripta Sinica 漢籍全文資料庫, 599-1.
Zhang Tingyu 張廷玉, History of Ming 明史, 1980, Scripta Sinica 漢籍全文資料庫, 7022-7023
Zhao Erxun 趙爾巽, Draft History of Qing 清史稿, 1981, Scripta
Sinica 漢籍全文資料庫, 9601-9602
Zhao Erxun 趙爾巽, Draft History of Qing 清史稿, 1981, Scripta Sinica 漢籍全文資料庫, 70-71
Data Visualization Group
徐新照、徐珺、吳永、高常見、汪仁人.(2007.,“論我國明代火器技術‘西人所傳’說——以明末 《西法神機》和《火攻挈要》為例”. Nei Menggu shi da xue bao, 36(6), 734–737.
徐新照. (2002). 從《西法神機》與《火攻挈要》看明末對銃炮彈道學的認識. Li shi dang an, 1, 80–83. https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1001-7755.2002.01.009