Offensive Cannons

HIST4702 (2023-24) Digital History Project: 火攻挈要

Offensive Cannons

攻銃 Attack Cannon


The Attack Cannon (攻銃) was employed to attack the fortified city. Its enormous capacity enabled it to fire massive cannonballs. Although it could exert great power, its size had also caused the transportation problem. It was beyond the capability of horse and oxen carts to transport to the battlefield successfully. Therefore, the troops would usually make it directly on the battlefield by excavating the ground and casting it on the spot.

虎唬銃 Tiger Roar Cannon


The Tiger Roars Cannon (虎唬銃) was one of two kinds of the Attack Cannon. The other one was named Lion Roar Cannon (獅吼銃).

戰銃 Battle Cannon


The Battle Cannon (戰銃) was a longer but thinner version of the Attack Cannon that utilised the Gongshun bullet. If the enemy was encamped and observed from a long distance, the troops would use this cannon to attack the enemy who ambushed the camp quietly. 

飛龍銃 Flying Dragon Cannon


The Flying Dragon Cannon (飛龍銃) was the longest weapon in《火攻挈要》. When the enemies were coming from far away, the troops could use the telescope to observe them clearly at first. Then, after calculating the shooting range, the troops could fire the cannon toward the enemy unexpectedly.

噴銃 Spray Cannon


The Spray Cannon (噴銃) was a cannon that utilised the Gongshun bullet (公孫彈) and the Fengwo bullet (蜂窩彈). Comparable to contemporary shotgun shells, this type of bullet was a big bullet that carried numerous shots and slugs inside. This use of bullets enabled the cannon to encounter the human wave tactics because it could shoot several people in one shot. Also, the Navy would use this cannon to attack the enemy ships.