WordCloud Visualization


For visualization, we employed matplotlib and wordcloud libraries in python to make bar charts and word clouds based on the frequency of occurrence of the named-entities. Below are the bar chats which shows the words with top 50 frequency from NER type PERSON, ORG, and EVENT. Also, there are word clouds that represent the frequency of occurrence of the words in different sizes, colours, and shapes, including a snoopy liked one which shows the names of persons, a logo of The Observatory Review which shows the titles of organizations, and a map of Hong Kong which shows the events mentioned at the time. 

To see the details of code to generate the charts and clouds, please follow the link to the  static display of visualization demo. Please click the   button to initiate the Colab Notebook for interactive code display of data visualization. 

Chart of PERSON

Chart of ORG

Chart of EVENT 

Word Cloud – Snoopy (PERSON)

Word Cloud – Hong Kong Map (ORG)

Word Cloud – Observatory Review Logo from Special Issue (EVENT)