數據分析實踐機會 2022/23: 分享會
- 《中國學生周報》的作者出版頻率
- 《聲韻詩刊》文字資料探勘
- 《觀心自在: 香港觀音誕與觀音信仰探源》地圖展示
- 《醫方集解》文字資料探勘
- Construction and application of a knowledge graph in Hong Kong Writers and Artists Biographical Database
- De Bruijn Graph in Genome Assembly with Millipede Genomes Dataset
- Finding the Hidden Gems in CUHK Library’s Audio Collection: Machine Learning as a Tool for Audio Analysis
- Heading Analysis with Machine Learning on The Hongkong News
- HIST4702 (2022-23) Digital History Project: SARS in Asia
- Home Page (HIST4702-2023)
- Historical Context: Firearms with Ming Dynasty
- Military Technologies: as Shown in 《火攻挈要》
- 3D Models Menu
- About Us
- Abstract
- Buildings
- Bullets
- Cannon Auxiliary Tools
- Cannon Inspection and Maintenance Tools
- Cannon Production Tools
- Cannon Transportation Tools
- Collection of Videos
- Collections of Works from Text Mining Group
- Comparison with Artillery Work in European Language
- Comparison with Earlier and Contemporary Chinese works
- Comparison with works in the post-Opium War Period
- Defensive Cannons
- Examining the Development of Firearms Technology: through Data Visualization
- Gunpowders
- Hot Weapons
- Intellectual Origins and Impact: Investigation through Text Mining
- Macau as a Center for Importing Western Cannons
- Offensive Cannons
- Other Hot Weapons
- Other Tools
- Reference
- The Battle of Macau (The 1622 Attack by the Dutch)
- The Importance of Firearms through Battles in the Late-Ming Period
- Tools
- 銃 Cannon
- Image Dataset Analysis of “Amusement News” from Hong Kong Early Tabloid Newspaper through Computer Vision and Machine Learning algorithms
- Text Analysis and Visualisation of The Observatory Review from Hong Kong Early Tabloid Newspaper
- 中文文字資料處理:使用R語言處理盛宣懷信件集資料
- 二十世紀香港粵語吟誦典藏
- 地理信息系统与早期中国考古
- 揭開卞趙如蘭伏羲式古琴的歷史痕跡
- Introduction
- Methodology
- The Discovery of Coins on the Surface Board
- The Discovery of the Origin and the Names of the Qin on the Bottom Board
- 3D Visualisations of the Qin
- Exploring Ancient Chinese Musical Instruments with Scienticfic Tools
- Acknowledgement
- Qin Alive – 鬧市清泉:古琴與現代社會
- 隱世絲桐:追尋卞趙如蘭藏琴的歷史與古韻
- 數碼典藏:卞趙如蘭特藏
- 檔案館藏:卞趙如蘭特藏
- 文字(再)勘探:《香港古典詩文集經眼錄》作者網絡研究
- 新 · 德布魯因圖與千足蟲基因體組裝
- 香港日佔時期報紙 The HongKong News (1942-1945) 的文字識別與字頻分析
- 香港早期小報《天文臺》的自然語言處理與可視化
- 點線成畫——連結古今水墨